Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Burger Double Chesse Healthy

Burger Double Chesse Healthy. Immediately after flipping the beef add a slice of American cheese on top of each patty. Food Director Lauren recreated In-N-Out's animal-style double-double burger, and the results are insanely delicious. With two stacked thin patties, this recipe is proof that two are better than one.

Burger Double Chesse Healthy Homemade bread rolls are one of the many things that make this burger recipe what it is. The buns are perfect and soft done this way. In terms of fat, this version is better than the McDonald's version, but isn't as good as the double cheeseburger from Burger King. You can have Burger Double Chesse Healthy using 23 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Burger Double Chesse Healthy

  1. You need of Pain (pas de temps de levée):.
  2. Prepare 50 gr of farine d’épeautre.
  3. It's 20 gr of farine de lupin (ou autre).
  4. You need 1 of pincée de bicarbonate.
  5. You need 1 of œuf.
  6. Prepare of Sel poivre (épices/herbes au choix, ici curry jaune).
  7. You need of Topping: graines de sésame à mettre juste avant la cuisson sur le pâton.
  8. It's of Garniture:.
  9. It's 2 of Steaks hachés 5% (steaks fins de préférence).
  10. You need 2 of tranches de fromage light ou de chèvre.
  11. Prepare 2 of tranches d’oignon rouge.
  12. You need 2 of tranches de tomate.
  13. It's 1/4 of d’avocat en fine tranche.
  14. You need of On cuit steaks, tomates et oignons avec assaisonnement de son choix (ici paprika, curry rouge, basilic).
  15. You need of Sauce burger:.
  16. Prepare 1 of càs de crème de soja ou autre.
  17. It's 1 of pointe de couteau de miel.
  18. It's of Sel poivre herbes épices au choix.
  19. Prepare of Vinaigrette salade:.
  20. You need 1 of càs vinaigre de cidre.
  21. It's 1 of càs de jus de citron vert.
  22. Prepare 1 of pointe de couteau de moutarde douce.
  23. It's of Sel poivre ciboulette.

Finish cooking all patties in the same way. Cover with the other sheet of puff pastry. Trim the edges of the pastry with a knife and discard. Crimp the edges of the pastry, then press with a fork to seal.

Burger Double Chesse Healthy step by step

  1. Préparation PAIN: on mélange tout ensemble, si ça colle, on rajoute un peu de farine, si c’est trop sec on rajoute 1 càs de lait. On préchauffe le four 5min à 200 degrés, puis on cuit la boule de pâte à 180 degrés pendant 20min.
  2. DRESSAGE: Quand tout est prêt on dresse la salade dans l’assiette, on coupe la boule de pain en deux pour garnir dans l’ordre qu’on veut les ingrédients, sans oublier sauce burger en dernier.
  3. Préparation SAUCE: on mélange tout ensemble et on verse la préparation en dernier sur la garniture avant de poser le"couvercle" du pain.
  4. Préparation VINAIGRETTE: on assaisonne la salade avec la vinaigrette.

Salt each patty lightly whilst cooking. Put the first patty on the bottom bun, followed by a slice of American cheese. Then put the second burger patty on top, followed by another slice of cheese. Top the burgers with two slices of dill pickle, then the diced onion. Three Cheese Burger - The Mother Of All Cheeseburger.

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