How to Make Tasty Poulet satay
Poulet satay. In a mixing bowl, combine peanut butter, soy sauce, lime juice, brown sugar, curry powder, garlic and hot pepper sauce. Place the chicken breasts in the marinade and refrigerate. Perfectly grilled chicken satay skewers in the most flavorful marinade.
These chicken satay skewers could taste like shoe leather. And if they did, that would be okay. Because this peanut-lime sauce will make anything and everything taste so much. You can have Poulet satay using 9 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Poulet satay
- Prepare 500 g of poulet.
- You need 1 cuillère à café of coriandre.
- Prepare 1 cuillère à café of curcuma.
- You need 1 cuillère à café of cumin.
- You need 18 cl of lait de coco.
- Prepare 50 g of cacahuète.
- You need 1 cuillère à café of sel.
- Prepare 2 cuillères à soupe of sucre brun.
- It's 1/2 of citron.
In a large resealable plastic bag, combine the milk, garlic, brown sugar, seasonings and extract. In a shallow dish or a sealable plastic bag, combine all the marinade ingredients. Add the chicken and toss to coat. There's satay, and then there's real satay.
Poulet satay step by step
- Mettre le poulet dans la marinade pendant au moins 2h. Sauce : broyer les cacahuètes (du beurre d'arachide peut faire l'affaire). Verser la moitié du lait dans une casserole, ajouter le curry, chauffer à feu doux pendant 3 min. Ajouter la crème de cacahuète, le sucre, le jus de citron et le reste du lait de coco. Mélanger bien et laisser cuire 20 à 30 mn Faire cuire vos brochettes de poulet. Servir avec la sauce et du riz.
If you've never had the real stuff, then you'll fall in love with the succulent taste of this special Thai satay recipe. Strips of chicken or beef are marinated in a special Thai paste—unless you go with the vegetarian version —then skewered and grilled or broiled in the oven. Malaysian Chicken Satay is the Best! There are many versions of satay recipes from Asia, but let me assure you that the best satay in the world comes from Malaysia, my home country. Called "Satay Ayam" in Malaysian language, any real foodies who have been to the entire Southeast Asia region will agree they are the best!