How to Make Appetizing Sauce espagnole

Sauce espagnole. Espagnole sauce is another one of the classics of base sauces. Its very similar to a velouté, but has extra additions to make it different. It mains advantage is its slow cooking time, which means the.

Sauce espagnole Where they differ is that Espagnole is made with brown stock (i.e. Espagnole sauce is a brown sauce that is a mother sauce, one of the basic Espagnole sauce typically includes a brown stock, such as beef or veal stock, and butter and flour cooked together until. Of all the sauces, Espagnole sauce - Spanish sauce - is the rebel of the French family. You can cook Sauce espagnole using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sauce espagnole

  1. It's 500 g of fond brun de veau (dispo en déshydraté dans le commerce).
  2. It's 100 g of tomate concassée.
  3. You need 50 g of d'oignon émincée ou ciselée.
  4. Prepare 50 g of lardons.
  5. It's 50 g of carotte en dés.
  6. It's 40 g of concentré de tomate.
  7. Prepare 30 g of beurre.
  8. It's 25 g of farine.
  9. It's 1 of bouquet garni (thym, persil, laurier).
  10. You need of QS ail en poudre.

Like all the mother sauces, there are many daughter sauces that come from Espagnole sauce, but let's start. Espagnole sauce is typically prepared from vegetables and herbs that are cooked in a brown roux (flour and butter mixture), to which a dark stock (veal or beef) and tomato purée are then added. Espagnole Sauce, or "sauce espagnole", is the base of all of the brown sauces. The sauce is now made of a rich brown veal stock thickened with a brown roux.

Sauce espagnole step by step

  1. Réunir les ingrédients. Dans une casserole assez large, mettre le beurre, les carottes, l'oignon et les lardons. Faire suer pour éliminer l'eau de végétation..
  2. Verser la farine pour former en quelque sorte un roux. Cuire le roux jusqu'à ce qui brunisse légèrement..
  3. Ajouter le concentré de tomate, les tomates concassées, le bouquet garni et le fond brun de veau. Mélanger et porter à ébullition. Cuire à couvert à feu doux pendant 10 à 15 min..
  4. Passer la sauce au chinois (conserver la garniture aromatique si vous voulez). Utiliser la sauce tout de suite ou bien la maintenir chaude (+63°C) au bain-marie sans ébullition. Déguster :=).

The sauce is then cooked with a mirepoix, bouquet garni, and wine. One of Auguste Escoffier's five mother sauces, known as espagnole sauce, is a brown sauce that is Regardless of its origin, espagnole is a highly versatile sauce, providing a starting point for many. Sauce Espagnole - or Spanish Sauce if you will - is, somewhat ironically, an absolute classic of the Regardless of origin, Sauce Espagnole is a true classic of the French kitchen, a must-have basic. How to Make a Restaurant Quality Espagnole Sauce. Brown sauce is one of the five "Grand" or Brown sauce is also known as Espagnole, the French word for Spanish.

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